The course of the world can be changed for the better and we support a just and green transition. 

At Naia, we dedicate ourselves to assisting companies in crafting sustainable products and business models. We do this by making data available in a user-friendly and intuitive format, thereby simplifying the complexities of sustainable decision-making - from the shop floor to the boardroom. 

We empower informed decisions to the benefit of our planet. 

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Gro Harlem Brundtland, 1987, “Our Common Future”

As seasoned professionals, we have witnessed the transformative impact that corporations can exert when provided with conducive conditions. Through fostering competition and innovation, the private sector emerges as a potent force for good towards a sustainable development by bringing better products and services on the market. 


As a science-driven company, we consciously eschew political biases in our thoughts and actions. Our beliefs are founded on rigorously researched data from reputable academic sources or consensus among diverse and leading scientists. Transforming global and abstract concepts into locally tangible contributions is our way of actively influencing positive change.